A documentary by Massimo Mazzucco. This is the story of Essiac, Hoxsey, Laetrile, Shark Cartilage, Mistletoe, and Bicarbonate of Soda all put together in a stunning overview that leaves no doubt that inexpensive cures for cancer do exist but are systematically blocked by Big Pharma because they come from nature and cannot be patented. Highly informative.Cancer the Forbidden Cures – …
The Beautiful Truth-Full length movie
The Beautiful Truth 2008 Gerson Cancer Therapy This documentary contains many not so beautiful truths about Mercury, Food additives, GMO and Vaccinations . Never underestimate the power of plants when it comes to healing of the human body. The Beautiful Truth 2008 Gerson Cancer Therapy Sending Blessings and Love P.S This is day 52 of Word press Challenge to make a …