Benefits of going plant-based

Transitioning to a vegan or more plant-based diet will reward you and your body in countless ways. There are incredible benefits of eating more whole fruits, vegetables, and whole grains even if you do not go fully vegan right away. Consuming less animal products may be difficult at first if you are used to eating meat and dairy, but there …

Cerealthy to celebrate World Vegan Day on Kickstarter with 100% natural powder superfood

Cerealthy is about to introduce its new vegan superfood to Kickstarter which is a non-perishable, gluten-free and non-GMO powder which is healthier, more affordable and superior than dairy milk and other regular vegan milks. Spain, October 30, 2017: Spain-based Vegan food company Cerealthy is soon to launch a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter is support of its new superfood. It’s a …

Mother Nature Loves you with Spinach

Spinach is one of the most nutrient  foods on the planet. Spinach its on the top of the list of many super foods list. It is also in season now so its at its best. The time when I really experienced the power of this amazing leafy vegetable was whenever I was expecting my second child. I was told, that …

Vegane Kinder-How a vegan mother can make a difference

“We are what we repeatedly do, excellence is not an act, it’s a habit.” These words, said by one of the greatest minds, are a daily recurrence in my mind. It’s the simplest of things that we do daily, that shapes us as human beings. With our daily habits we also make a difference. The choices that vegan mothers create a …

vegan art

Vegan Art Collection

Vegan art collections are very popular amongst vegans. I find a good collection with different pictures at The Sheppard Collection of Vegan Art. The pictures touch many different aspects of vegan activism, including one of the most sensitive one, which is the fact that we treat certain animals as food and others as friends. You don’t have to be an …