It is a real indulgence to sit down every evening and let my mind wander for a while and then just bang and click – I know what I will be writing about. Some days I would know earlier -depending on the day. The most inspiring moments have been when I am not actually thinking, but letting it think itself. …
It’s great to be feeling like a river :-)
I had an intention to write a post last night, but never did. I felt incredibly tired after me and the boys went cycling in the park. Normally I am never tired unless its close to midnight and I am heading to bed. But this kind of tiredness was different. I felt like a river of energy was flowing out …
Flowing With Arms wide open
Change is the only sure thing in life.People believe that the fittest survivors are the ones, that embrace change and adapt to it. One of my all time favourite quote is by Dr. Wayne Dyer-“when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” . So simple, but it took me approx. 3 years to …