There’s no hiding the fact that 80% of all Americans will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. Statistics have shown that roughly 1-in-4 people will visit their Doctor this year with some form of back pain – the most common of which being lower back pain. Unfortunately, back pain is also one of the most expensive …
Snapping Hip – What is it?
Snapping Hip – What is it? Snapping hip is a condition where a snapping sensation is felt when the hip joint is in action when you are walking and running. This sensation may be have an associated popping noise and may also be accompanied by pain (this is not always the case). There are two types of this problem: On …
5 Effective Exercises for Dealing with Joint Pain
5 Effective Exercises for Dealing with Joint Pain This article conveys 5 of the best types of exercise to deal with joint pain and assesses the benefits of each one in turn. Furthermore, a comprehensive guide on joint pain is given and intertwined with the different types of exercise elucidated within the article. Joint pain is something that is not …
Healthy Breakfast
Healthy Breakfast We all know that one of the most important meals of the day is your breakfast. Being a Mum I wanted my son to start the day in a healthy way so he start his day with a healthy formula 1 shake from Herbalife. I can mix the shake with fresh fruit, fruit juice, milk, soya milk, almond …
Benefits of herbal supplements for better joint health
Despite current treatments and medicines available to improve joint health, many individuals still live a life filled with pain and disability in their joints. Which is why many victims of joint pain turn to herbal remedies to get long-term relief. Using the right herbal supplements can cleanse the body from metabolic waste products and toxins that can cause tension or …