healthy breakfast
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Healthy Breakfast

Healthy Breakfast

We all know that one of the most important meals of the day is your breakfast. Being a Mum I wanted my son to start the day in a healthy way so he start his day with a healthy formula 1 shake from Herbalife. I can mix the shake with fresh fruit, fruit juice, milk, soya milk, almond milk, rice milk.

easy vegan recipes

Recently I also bought a juicer so I can mix vegetable and fruit, although during school days it’s quicker and easier to just mix the Herbalife Formula 1 with any of the above liquids. Child obesity is a major issue and it breaks my heart when I see young children being overweight and knowing that unless their parents change their eating habits and increase their physical activity level, it will only get worse.

How much to use in each shake depending on the child age

0-4: Shake 1 level dessert spoon per 80lbs (36kg) body weight.
4-8: 1/3 of adult dosage. (adult dosage 2 tablespoons mix in 250ml of above liquid)
8-12: 2/3 adult dosage.
12+: adult dosage 2 tablespoons.

Formula 1 Meal – Healthy Breakfast Facts
• Healthy and balanced nutrition
• Only 200 calories per serving*
• Each 250ml shake provides 10.6g* of soy protein (41% of the suggested intake of 25g)
• 23* key vitamins and minerals including antioxidant vitamins A, C and E
• A good source of healthy fibre
• Contains 10.6g* of soy protein. The inclusion of at least 25g of soy protein per day as part of a diet low in saturated fat can help reduce cholesterol.
• Contains B vitamins which can help support the normal metabolism for sustained energy
• High in fibre which may assist in the increase of the transit time of food through the body
• An excellent balance of fibre, protein and carbohydrates for sustained energy
• Formula 1 is a Healthy Meal in a glass!
• Scientifically formulated to provide balanced nutrition
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Karin Jennings

Herbalife UK Independent Distributor


Please feel free to call me for a chat or advice on 07939048050 or 01992 441251.

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