Vegan diet and weight loss

Hello my friends, recently I have been asked quite a few times how much weight I’ve lost and how did I do it. As a matter of fact I am one of these women , that has no scales in her house (I believe, that they lie and its more important how you feel).I have  never counted calories in my …

health benefits of the vegan diet

Why Vegan? Health Benefits of the Vegan Diet

People go vegan when they are ready for it, not when they are overwhelmed with statistics and health lectures. The health benefits of the vegan diet are  just a part of the reasons why people go vegan. Being vegan is a choice , that has changed my life and has enabled me to live more fully and compassionately. In this …

Tips to eliminate dairy milk from your diet

I have written in the past, many times, the truth about the production of dairy milk. In my opinion it is one of the most horrific and bloody crimes done by humans to vulnerable and placid animals. The fact is, that a mother and a child has to be violently separated so the industry can sell milk. It really makes absolutely no sense …