Matthew C Martino worried about health.. Aww

He’s once been tipped for a football career and he had us going with allegations of him signing up for a ‘Strongman’ competition, but we can exclusively report that AllStar Matthew C Martino is worried about his health; a source told us.

Matthew C Martino
Matthew C Martino

The 21year old film producer/author has always been an active one and is known for his ‘jack of all trades’ routine which means he keeps fit and is always on the go, but a source close to the star told us ‘Matthew has been pounding the pavement every morning for a jog and he is also ensuring he maximizes his gym attendance as he is genuinely worried about his health, It’s not like he’s a roundabout away from a heart attack but he has concerns’

Aw, poor kid!

Martino’s fitness levels have always been high as in 2012 he was reported to be chasing a casual football career, however, after quitting modelling and acting in early 2013 he has perhaps over enjoyed the perks of being a producer as he has since put on a few pounds, but the AllStar producer is still in good health.

The Let’s Fly author has also been linked to a boxing career and strongman competitions and his rep has denied both rumors. Should Martino seek to make a return to acting we could see an all toned up hunk return to our screens in no time.

Are you worried about your health? Drop us an email and tell us what’s worrying you!



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