natural ways of regulating your menstrual cycle
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Dealing with Mirena side effects naturally

There is nothing natural about using a Mirena coil and having side effects is almost guaranteed. The biggest one is that you stop having a period and you could also experience other effects like acne, headaches and discomfort.

You have been fortunate enough to keep your Mirena and felt fine for the time it was in and now you want it out. I had a Mirena coil for just over 5 years and since I had it removed I had to get to know my body cycle again. It was a great relief to have it removed as it felt unnatural. The most unnatural part about Mirena coil is the hormone, that is used to prevent you from getting pregnant. 

The hormone used in Mirena is called Levonorgestrel and is often referred to as a ‘progestin’, which sounds a lot like the naturally occurring hormone progesterone right? WRONG. Levonorgestrel is a hormone disrupter and has the opposite effects as our own progesterone (which only makes sense really given that progesterone is often called the ‘pregnancy hormone’). Levonorgestrel is also the active ingredient in the Norplant birth control implant (which is no longer available in North America) and also at higher doses is the drug that makes up the Plan B or ‘morning-after’ pill(s). That means that you have a constant distribution to your natural hormonal balance and that can have long term effects on your overall well being as well. 

mirena detox program


The Mirena Detox program is a simple, step-by-step, 40-day program designed to rid a woman of all the symptoms and agonizing side effects caused by the Mirena and Paragard IUDs and help her fully restore her hormonal balance, and get her health and energy levels back.

Once your Mirena is removed it is possible for you to experience a hormonal crash.  The body is no longer getting that synthetic hormone progestin, and yet is still not producing enough of its own innate natural hormone progesterone. This can cause different side effects, including weight gain, heavy periods,acne, depression, slow digestion and you can deal with all of them naturally. 

Here is a list with 3 very simple things that you can do and gradually eliminate the side effects of removing your Mirena coil. 

1.Eat foods, that balance hormone imbalances . Chia seeds and flax seeds  contain omega 3 and 6, and phytoestrogens. They are very important for a normal hormone production in general. Include wheat grass in your diet. It will work to help cleanse the liver which is where all of your hormones are filtered. The high magnesium and chlorophyll content of wheat grass works to build enzymes that restore sex hormones.Include foods, that have Vitamin B6, which plays a vital role in  progesterone imbalance. Foods rich in Vitamin B6 are bananas, avocados, spinach. Another superfood, that would benefit your hormone balance is maca root powder. As well as contributing towards you vitality and sexual drive, maca will help you to balance your endocrine system. Also include some plant based protein. protein supports the detoxication of the liver . It is good to have some pure source of plant based protein at most meals for hormonal balance. Some good sources of whole food plant-based protein are hemp seeds,beans and lentils ,quinoa and avocado. The Mirena detox program will provide you with more detailed information on what foods to eat on a daily basis. 


2.Get to know your body better and become aware of your monthly cycle. A woman that knows herself is more confident in her decision not just regarding her health, but also regarding all other areas of her life. Pay attention to when you are ovulation and become aware of how you feel. Remember do not suppress anything especially in the first few months after removing the coil as this the crucial time when your body is getting back to balance and normality. Some women benefit from writing a dairy and keeping record of how they feel. You can also use a smartphone app, which makes it twice as easy as most people carry their phone with them all the time. 


3.Get plenty of rest, drink a lot of water, stay active, and do things to reward yourself. Those are very simple and yet very effective actions, that will support you along the way. I do know that if you have a family, home, job and other commitments to look after sometimes taking plenty of rest is not as easy as it sounds. Nevertheless you can make it possible to suit your lifestyle and routine. Drinking water is essential, whether you are doing a detox or not, but to add an extra benefit to drinking water would be to eliminate sugary and fizzy drinks. You would be very likely to feel better because this would benefit your digestive system as well, which plays a major role in removing the toxins from your body. Looking after your gut would improve your immune system. Stay active and do things that you enjoy like walking, cycling or may be your thing is to go to classes, whatever it is do it. One final thing do remember to reward yourself. Nice retreat somewhere, a new dress, a new haircut or anything else, that makes you celebrate life is that extra reward, that we all enjoy. 

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