you raise me up

You Raise Me Up

It has become a nice tradition  to post a music video on Sunday. Today I choose to share one of the loveliest songs ever. This song fills my eyes with happy tears of feeling alive.I have nothing more to say when there is  music . Sending Blessings and Love P.S This is day 21 of  Word press Challenge to make …

The best way to make a decision

It is amazing, that every time you start to look for something it’s always there.I do know if it is one of the trades of being of  a woman , but I always seem to find what I  am looking for. Sometimes I  am not looking for anything and still things just things seem to work out.I  believe, that chaos means …

I love the beach

Mother Nature Loves you Nominated for the Versatile Blogger award ♥ ♥ ♥

Thank you so much to THE BEACH HOUSE KITCHEN . Jane and Lee you are amazing people. I love your blog and everything that you represent. I feel so special to receive a nomination like that .It is a great honor and immense pleasure. The Versatile Blogger Award is a great way of meeting other like-minded bloggers and getting folk …