It has become a nice tradition to post a music video on Sunday. Today I choose to share one of the loveliest songs ever. This song fills my eyes with happy tears of feeling alive.I have nothing more to say when there is music . Sending Blessings and Love P.S This is day 21 of Word press Challenge to make …
It doesn’t hurt anymore to be who I am
About two years ago I was the “poor soul” , easily feeling sorry for myself and always choosing to be the victim. I used to feel that everything is happening to me and that the only way of life was to hold grudge and suffer with it. I used to take things so personally, that I would literally won’t sleep …
The best way to make a decision
It is amazing, that every time you start to look for something it’s always there.I do know if it is one of the trades of being of a woman , but I always seem to find what I am looking for. Sometimes I am not looking for anything and still things just things seem to work out.I believe, that chaos means …
Do you always give what you want to receive?
Sometimes you think , that the only reason you have a family is to learn to be patient, compassionate and kind.Not that you weren’t before.Children, parents and all the rest of the family members know your buttons. Or do they? Being kind, compassionate and kind is especially valuable when you and another member of the family are having a disagreement …
Mother Nature Loves you Nominated for the Versatile Blogger award ♥ ♥ ♥
Thank you so much to THE BEACH HOUSE KITCHEN . Jane and Lee you are amazing people. I love your blog and everything that you represent. I feel so special to receive a nomination like that .It is a great honor and immense pleasure. The Versatile Blogger Award is a great way of meeting other like-minded bloggers and getting folk …