always give what you want to receive
Connections and Love,Everything is Energy,Mother Nature Loves You

Do you always give what you want to receive?

Sometimes you think , that the only reason you have a family is to learn to be patient, compassionate and kind.Not  that you weren’t before.Children, parents and all the rest of the family members know your buttons. Or do they?

Being kind, compassionate and kind is  especially valuable when you and another member of the family are having a disagreement . You are doing your best not to hit low and the more understanding you get the more annoyed they get and then they “hit” you low and say things , that you even in your wildest dreams would not think, never mind say. They know that what they have told you hurts.It does. They are expecting a reaction, but now is your time to be patient, compassionate and kind TO YOURSELF. Not because of who they are are, but because of who you are.
do not reply when you are angry
Sometimes you get angry. That is OK. This is a temporarily state of fear. Live it and let it go.Anger is the worst possible “adviser”.Stay away from replying when you are angry. It takes a while to learn this priceless lesson,but the rewards are incredible.  Something inside you expands. For a moment you want to get involved in the drama, but you have got the power to stay away. It works and its worth it. Because you are patient, compassionate and kind. Let the anger go, let the guild and hurt go. You know exactly how and why this is happening. Sometimes lessons are in a form of an argument , but all is well.always give what you want to receive

Now you know your buttons better than all the family members put together. Open your heart . Have an honest conversation, share a few tears. All is well. This is how you become a more loving person. Always give what you want to receive.

P.S This is day nine of WordPress Challenge to make a post every day. There are 230 days left of 2012.

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