I am obsessed with being prepared , ready and organized. I could just spend my whole day preparing for whatever it is even if I do not really need to. I make orders and plans in my head about the following day -I teach the kids to put their school clothes and bags in order and also I know what …
Things always work out better than planned
I am having another late night. Do not know how I really got to stay so late all I know it is turning into a habit, that I want to change as the school routine is approaching our family. I know , that there is still 3 weeks , but this is exactly perfect. So I do hope that I …
What is a perfect summer
Another school year is over. It is time to put all the school uniforms away and leave the dilemmas about packed lunches for another time. It is great. I love the feeling, that everybody can do whatever they want, sleep when ever they want and wear whatever they want. It makes so much sense to let people be and it …
No matter how many “dogs” you “eat”, there always gonna be a “dog” “bigger” than you
This week the school, that my boys go to is very busy as all the classes are having sports day. On Monday I went to Raki’s sport’s day. He is only P1 , so it was more of a fun day, than having any competition at all. At the end everybody got a sticker with “Well Done” on it. Then …
Count your blessings
I love being spontaneous and at the same time I love being organized and prepared .I used to have obsessive thoughts about house work that used to cause me a lot of stress in the past. Modern parenting is about setting an example , not giving kids lecture and telling them what to do.Now we work together Ari helps me with …