Modern Parenting,What gets me up in the Morning

Count your blessings

I love being spontaneous  and at the same time I love being organized and prepared .I used to have  obsessive thoughts about house work  that used to cause me a lot of stress in the past. Modern parenting is about setting an example , not giving kids lecture and telling them what to do.Now we work together Ari helps me with the clothes, Stellios is helping with moving things about and in the garden, and Raki loves cooking with me.


cooking with kids


The boys tell me from time to time , that I can leave the  dishes alone and  spent time on doing good things” . Yes I  do know that, but still sometimes my mind is telling me “look at the state of this place” . I used to give myself a lot of hard time when I had a pile of clothes, that weren’t put away, or the dishwasher needed empty or there were dishes from breakfast on the table and it was time for dinner,or the hall needed hoovered, or anything like that.

Then I had my third child. His arrival changed everything for me regarding house work and so on. He turned 5 this Saturday. Time really flies when you are having fun.I have learned to prioritize and be gentle with myself ,just to go with the flow of every day. Never worry about dishes, dust or clothes . Those things will always be present, because we live here. Dirty dishes means that we are blessed to have food and and a  bit of untidiness never did any harm.

Since there is no fuss about the house work we are a lot happier and work together well. When you do things when you feel like it it gets done really fast and it is a pleasure.

This evening we just decided to go out, as it was a nice bright evening. It wasn’t planned and it turn out a lovely idea. Here are the boys climbing a frame .having fun

Go with the flow, count your blessings , be present and enjoy life!

Sending Blessings and Love
P.S This is day 38 of  Word press Challenge to make a post every day. There are 201 days left of 2012.

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