Connections and Love,Modern Parenting

Things always work out better than planned

I am having another late night. Do not know how I really got to stay so late all I know it is turning into a habit, that I want to change as the school routine is approaching our family. I know , that there is still 3 weeks , but this is exactly perfect. So I do hope that I will be posting tomorrow  on a  day light ;-).

It is very easy to keep every body happy and content when there is no invented routines and places to go. The boys play together really well.I do also like to leave them on their own devices if there is some argument between them. I always keep myself neutral and it helps them sort things out. Having said that I still do my very best to compassionately explain things and in most cases is all good again .

In the past I have tried the approach “you are wrong” and “you are right”, but by doing that I take the responsibility out of them and they do not learn much. I believe, that the best way to learn anything in life is by experiencing it, no matter what it is. Sometimes you have to fall to learn, that this is not a failure. There are no mistakes in life-everything is happening to serve you. When you believe that you put yourself in a very powerful state and you feel that you live in a friendly universe.

Life is full with hopes and prays and there is most of the time a challenge in your mind. Problems just change one thing after the other. The main thing is to remember, that this is just life. If you do not have any challenges just sit all day and stare at the TV , but then you might be challenged what to watch . How sad is that. We have no TV since October 2009 and it has been one of the best things we ever did. I love dinner times and some other time when we just sit and chat about sweet nothing. This is how our souls nourish from each ptheer’s presence and I am hoping that this the way it will be. I love to think , that I am building a relationship with the boys . A very long term relationship.

Sending blessings and love
P.S This is day 83 of Word press Challenge to make a post every day. There are 145 days left of 2012.

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