vegan art
Becoming Vegan,Connections and Love

Vegan Art Collection

Vegan art collections are very popular amongst vegans. I find a good collection with different pictures at The Sheppard Collection of Vegan Art. The pictures touch many different aspects of vegan activism, including one of the most sensitive one, which is the fact that we treat certain animals as food and others as friends. You don’t have to be an art expert to undertand the images. You feel them with your heart. 

vegan art

There is beauty, anger and truth in those pictures and every single one tells a story.

A lot of vegans, including myself, can sometimes spend a lot of time explaining a simple fact of how gentle and placid cows are and how much they love their young, but one glimpse at a picture can say all that in a blink of an eye. A good example is Cow and Calf by Cathy Livick. You can see it here. 

The collection has been carefully selected by Robert Sheppard, who lives and works in London.He says “I think art is an important medium for expressing ideas and making people think. I hope this collection will prompt discussion and help spread ethical ideas.”

Being a vegan himself, Robert is also supporting vegan artist and spreads the word of living vegan in this incredible way. As well as being controversial, a lot of the pictures are also a celebration of the animals. I like all the pictures. The use of colours brings them to life and embodies the reality of living in a non-vegan world. From the Easter bunny to “beef steak”, from the pet cat to the sexualization of the “meat ” industry. Some of the pictures will make you smile, but some will make you sad.

Overall the main point of looking at any form of vegan art is to appreciate the simple fact, that animals are here with us, not for us. Expressing that with pictures can be understood in any languageThat is the beauty of art. No translation needed. It’s all here, in your heart. 

A picture speaks a thousand words and in this case it speaks the words of the voiceless. There are currently 35 artists listed on the website from America and Europe. You can find their contact details there and visit their websites where you can purchase a piece of art.

You will also find a wide range of support websites if you have decided to live vegan. 

I think that the Sheppard Collection of Vegan Art offers a wide look into the world that we live in from a vegan prospective. Whether you are vegan or not you will understand and appreciate it.

Robert is also planning an event in London. For more information and latest additions feel free to visit The Sheppard Collection of Vegan Art. 


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