discover what you really want
Authentic Transformation in 100 days,Connections and Love

Discover what you really really want-Authentic transformation in 100 days-Video Blogging Challenge- Day 59

Hello, my beautiful friends,

this evening I felt very inspired to talk about how you can discover what you really want and I hope my video gives you some ideas.

Discovering what you really really want is a powerful source of energy in your life.Life is full with challenges, but if you have the big picture and trust yourself you will discover , that everything is here to support you and there are no mistakes.Please click on the play button to watch it.

Here are a few of my favorite quotes :
“Don’t worry about wanting to change; start worrying when you don’t feel like changing anymore. And in the meantime, enjoy every version of yourself you ever meet, because not everybody who discovers their true identity likes what they find.”
― Antony John

discover what you really want
lovely path, somewhere in Italy

“We all have different desires and needs, but if we don’t discover what we want from ourselves and what we stand for, we will live passively and unfulfilled. Sooner or later, we are all asked to compromise ourselves and the things we care about. We define ourselves by our actions. With each decision, we tell ourselves and the world who we are. Think about what you want out of this life, and recognize that there are many kinds of success.”
― Bill Watterson
“What you’re really supposed to be doing is whatever makes your heart sing.”
― Barbara Sher

If you are online you probably have a blog, if you don’t , please get in touch with me I will help you get started.Thank you once again for all your love and support.
If you want to work personally with me , please click here .
I appreciate you ,
Lots of Love

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