Natural Treatments

Foods that regulate levels of blood sugar and blood pressure by Matej from

Foods that regulate levels of blood sugar and blood pressure by Matej from

It is a common misconception that much of the food we ingest actually has the ability to make major physiological changes within our body. Although this statement is true, to an extent, the cellular compositions of our bodies already have the capabilities to make these desirable changes. However, it is our responsibility to properly fuel it so that we can function to our optimum potential.control blood sugar

On a cellular level, our anatomical building blocks already try their best to eliminate waste, filter out ionic imbalances, regulate blood sugar, and efficiently break down what we consume so we are capable of daily function. If we flood our bodies with additives, excessive fat, complex sugars, and chemicals that are difficult to digest, not only are we hindering necessary biological functions, but we are introducing detrimental components that have an extremely negative effect on our overall health and well being.

The most efficient way to control blood pressure by consumption is by limiting the intake of salt and various food items with high sodium content. When our bodies have an unhealthy high level of salt, they are more likely to hold onto fluids in attempts to reach equilibrium. With too many excessive fluids, our blood vessels do not have as much flexibility or ease of constriction and our hearts have to work harder to efficiently circulate blood throughout our bodies. Essentially, salt equals fluid retention and fluid retention leads to an increase in blood pressure. This blood pressure chart displays low, normal and high blood pressure levels.

control blood pressure
Simple salad : spinach, arugula, Cannellini beans, hummus, sweet potato, quinoa, zucchini, peppers & onions


From a mineral standpoint, blood pressure management is much more efficient with proper levels of magnesium, potassium, calcium, and vitamin D. Foods that are rich in these essential vitamins include bananas, spinach, and various beans.

Although the term blood sugar seems pretty self explanatory, the regulation of our glucose levels is actually a very complex biological process. Whenever we eat a meal, insulin is secreted by the pancreas, and this hormone allows our cells to absorb the glucose that is a necessary source of energy. If there is not enough insulin secreted, or just too much sugar in the food that we eat, the body is more likely to store this excess in the form of fat. In the meantime, our blood becomes saturated with glucose.

What some people do not understand is the fact that carbohydrates are broken down into simpler sugars during digestion. We do not normally associate bread and pasta with sugary desserts, but from a molecular standpoint, they are quite similar. Refer to this article on blood glucose levels for additional information.

The most efficient way of reducing blood sugar is to eliminate it, along with limiting carbohydrates. Our bodies can easily derive plenty of glucose energy from the natural sugar found in raw fruits and vegetables. These, along with simple carbs like oatmeal also contain vital fiber. Foods high in fiber not only help us feel fuller longer, but they are broken down at a slower rate, stimulating the body to secrete insulin over a longer period of time. A steady release of insulin helps to control blood sugar levels between large meals.

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