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The 5 Questions Method to write a blog post in less than an hour

If content marketing is part of your blogging business, then you definitely spending time each week working on it. 

You may have only a few precious hours each week to devote to your business, so working as efficiently as possible can help you along the way. 

 I’ve discovered a simple yet effective strategy that allows you to write blog posts in less than an hour— without cutting corners or sacrificing on quality. It’s called the 5 Questions method. 

1.What questions does my audience have about this topic?

Successful entrepreneurs create content for their audience, not for themselves! 

That’s why the first step in writing a helpful blog post is to come up with 3-5 questions your readers have about the topic you want to focus on.

Not sure what your readers want to know?

Ask them! Use Instagram, Facebook, or your email list to figure out exactly what your audience wants to learn next.

Then grab a notebook and jot down a few main questions your readers have about your topic. 

Once you’ve decided on the questions you’re going to answer in your blog post. If you’re struggling to come up with answers, it’s probably a sign that you should pick a different topic that you’re more comfortable with. 

You can even use them as the headings in your post if you like — either leaving them in question format, sharing them as steps to a process, or transforming them into a list. 

2.What is the easiest way to digest this information?

Different content is better suited to different formats, so it’s important to choose the format that makes the most sense.

Here are a few formats you can choose from:Numbered lists; Graphs and pictures; Stories and quotes 

It’s important to keep your audience in mind when deciding on the format. They’re busy people, so you want to make it easy for them to absorb what you’re sharing by putting your content in the format that makes the most sense. 

For example, a “how-to” guide with lots of steps might work best as a numbered list. An update on your home renovations might work better with less text and lots of pictures. Get creative with it, but always make sure that the format matches the content. 

3.How can I draw people in?

An engaging introduction is crucial for getting people to stick around and read the entire post. 

When working through this step, brainstorm ways you can make your first few paragraphs stand out. Here are a few ideas to get your wheels turning:

  • Share a relatable story or anecdote (like I did at the beginning of this blog post!)
  • Use graphs and statistics to show a “before and after” transformation
  • Share quotes, testimonials, or success stories 

Think about what makes you want to keep reading a blog post. In fact, check out some of your favourite bloggers to see how they start off their posts. Take inspiration from what other bloggers are doing successfully and then put your own twist on it! 

4.What is the big takeaway message?

Ask yourself: What’s the main, overarching message I want people to remember once they’ve finished reading my blog post?

Deciding what your overall message is before you start writing will give your content a greater sense of purpose.

If you know what your end goal is before you begin, it’s a lot easier to get there.

Your takeaway message should be something simple and easy to remember, but still hard-hitting.

When writing the conclusion of your blog post, your only mission is to drive this message home.

This usually works best as a brief summary where you state the main points in your blog post and tell people why it’s so important that they take action..

5.How can you provide Extra Value?  

Epic content is all about helping people, and there’s nothing people love more than free stuff. Before you sign off on on your post, why not come up with a way to increase the value of your content? This could be by adding:

  • A free printable
  • A bonus workbook
  • An e-course or e-book on the topic 

Not only will people love you for giving them free stuff, but offering those extras as opt-in freebies is a great way to build up your email list.

Writing content that is interesting and valuable takes time and effort. Keep it simple and have fun with it. 

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I love writing fresh and interesting content . Send me an email to ivelina(at) Click the contact me button on the right hand side regarding a guest/sponsored post or simply send me a Facebook message -

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