Ask a Vegan

Ask a Vegan -Amy Zeidman Horowitz from Vibrantly Vegan

Hello my friends . I have been thinking in the last few days what is the best way to involve more vegan bloggers in this space. So I am super excited to introduce you to a new Category in this vegan blog called “Ask a Vegan”. In here you will meet other vegans and they will share with you their experience of being vegan and some tips for new vegans.I have chosen a list of 7 questions, but if you have any ideas or questions please do write them down in the comments box below. Ask a vegan -Amy Zeidman Horowitz

My first guest is Amy Zeidman Horowitz from Vibrantly Vegan . Amy lives  in NJ with her  husband, three teenagers and four rescue dogs.  She  loves cooking, yoga, running and gardening!  Amy is a lawyer, but have not practiced law in many years.  Instead,she has chosen to  practice mindfulness .Amy  loves to be inspired by other vegans and to learn new ways to eat healthy, cruelty-free, and environmentally friendly.So here is Amy’s interview :

1.How long have you been vegan for? Amy: “I have been vegan for about 4 years.”ask a vegan

2.What made you go vegan? Amy:”I was vegetarian for a few years before that and my teen-aged daughter started pointing out to me that egg-laying hens and dairy cows are treated just as inhumanely and once I researched and saw she was right, there was no turning back.”

3.Do you take any supplements?Amy :” I don’t take any supplements, but I do make sure to get enough  vitamin B-12 which I get from nutritional yeast and from my favorite non-dairy milk which is Pacific brand 7 grain milk.

4.What are your favourate vegan dishes? Amy :” Some of my favorite vegan dishes are seitan Marsala, chickpea cutlets from the Veganomicon cookbook, and just about anything with beans!”ask a vegan

5.What is your advice to new vegans?Amy:” My advice to new vegans would be to trust that there is a substitution out there for just about everything. For example, raw cashew nuts with water in a blender makes a delicious cream, and ground flax seed mixed with water works like eggs in baking. I have been able to take almost all of my old recipes and veganize them. Eventually you won’t miss anything at all! Just stick with it and communicate with other vegans for support and ideas.”

6.What books would you recommend to new vegans?Amy :   The first vegan cookbook I purchased was Appetite for Reduction by Isa Chandra Moskowitz. It is full of healthy, easy recipes. I would also recommend Chloe’s Kitchen by Chloe Coscarelli. Lately, however, I seem to get most of my new recipes from There are so many vegan recipes on pinterest that I often look there before flipping through all my cookbooks.

7.If you had a magic wand what would be the one thing, that you would change in the world? AmyIf I had a magic wand I would wish that everyone in the world was vegan. Then I know there would be no hunger, no more harm to the environment, no more needless suffering of animals, better health for humans, and peace. I know there would be peace. Vegans are the most compassionate, loving and peaceful people and the world would be an amazing place if everyone were vegan.

You can see her collection or recipes and other things on her blog Vibrantly Vegan. Com 

Also follow Amy on Pinterest 

Like Amy’s Facebook Page Vibrantly Vegan 

Feel free to ask any questions about becoming a vegan. Please share this post with your friends with the buttons below.

Sending Blessings and Love

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