Easy Vegan Recipes,What do vegans eat?

Easy Vegan Cooking Ideas

Hello my friends

I love blogging, but in the last few days I have been focused on other things. The most exciting thing is that I have been invited to cater for an health and nutrition event in June and I will share details once all the details are confirmed. I am grateful and so looking forward to it.I will be making lunches and will be able to offer some of my vegan treats as well.I am working on creating a healthy alkalizing menu and some delicious vegan treats. Will keep you posted.easy vegan recipes

Also we have been working towards introducing more vegan meals to the boys and my other half has been loving my vegan food and its all going well so far.

Today I want to share with you a few easy and very tasty recipes, which are very nutritious.

Will start with a very easy salad in which you ca use some leftover rice , or simply make it without rice. Here is what you need :easy vegan recipes

  • spinach
  • fresh lemon juice
  • celery
  • tomatoes
  • white onion
  • basil
  • olive oil
  • pitch of Himalayan salt
  • few black olives
  • 1/2 cup of cooked rice

Chop all the spinach and sprinkle with the lemon juice.The chop the rest of the vegetables.Put them all together.Add the rice.Make the dressing by mixing the basil with the olive oil and the salt and pour over it. Mix and serve with a few black olives on the top. This salad is very tasty and satisfying and full of goodness.

health benefits of artichokesThe other salad I want to share with you has one of my new discovered friends in my vegan kitchen and that is Artichoke.Artichokes are one of the healthiest foods-rich source of dietary fiber,sources for vitamin K,also good source of antioxidants,It is also rich in B-complex group of vitamins such as niacin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), thiamin, and pantothenic acid that are essential for optimum cellular metabolic functions.Artichoke is rich source of minerals like copper, calcium, potassium, iron, manganese and phosphorus

I will be having more of these  beauties. Since I can’t get any fresh ones I am loving the Italian style antipasto-rich and so so tasty.

Here is what you need.

easy vegan recipes
Bright and tasty!
  • tomatoes
  • red pepper
  • spring onion
  • rocket salad
  • lettuce
  • artichoke antipasto
  • wild oregano
  • pinch of Himalyan salt

Chop all the vegetables and season with salt. Then cut the artichoke and place on top. Use some of the oil from the jar to season the vegetables and serve with wild oregano on top. This salad is a sweet symphony. So tasty and again full of goodness.

You have noticed, that the two salad contain tomatoes. I love those red fruits beyond measure. So there is o surprise, that I have one more salad, that includes them . In this salad I used up some left over boiled potatoes. Here is what you need:easy vegan recipes

  • tomatoes
  • boiled potatoes
  • white onion
  • few black olives
  • water cress
  • olive oil
  • oregano
  • pinch of Himalayan salt

In this combination everything is about that watercress, full of green nutrients. Chop all the vegetables. Sprinkle with the salt ad olive oil. Then add the water cress and serve the salad. This dish is a meal on its own and it makes a perfect lunch. Enjoy.

All these recipes are just one of may combinations, that you can make.Since I am vegan I can not imagine a day without some kind of a salad. Eating raw vegetables is my source of energy and vitality. Use your imagination and chop some yourself.

Thank you for being here and all your love and support.

Stay healthy and feel good,

Lots of Love


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