why use e-mail to build your business
How to create a sticky content for your blog,Start a Food Blog

7 steps for generating Leads and Monetizing Your food blog

If you have just started your food blog you want to start building your e-mail list.why use e-mail to build your business

E-mails are an essential online marketing asset .Regardless if you have a clear marketing strategy or not the sooner you start to build a list the better. Here is today’s video, where I share the 3 main reasons you should be using e-mail to build your business and brand online. Please click on the link to watch it. 

E-mail is good for 3 main reasons. 

E-mail is personal (its you and your subscribers and they can write to you back at any time)

E-mail is targeted (people have already agreed to receive your e-mails)

E-mail is easy to access  (most people have their e-mail on their phone) 

Here is 7 steps for generating leads and monetizing your food blog 

1. Set up an account with Aweber. If you haven’t done that yet you can do it here ===>http://www.aweber.com/?321322


2.Create an informative and valuable report ,newsletter, weekly updates , recipe collection  similar to this ones, that you like to get in your mail box. You can use Word Processor like Microsoft Word, Google drive, etc . Then save your report as a .pdf and attach it to the first follow up message of your list inside Aweber. If you are on a tight budget you can use free services like Feedburner or Mailchimp (allows you only up to 2000 subscribers)


3. Create an Opt-In Offer on your blog for your free report , daily or weekly updates, free recipe book or a list of useful information by asking people to give you their email so you can send them the report using Aweber or whatever form of e-mail communication you have chosen. 


4.Collect leads! Every time someone opts in in your email list you provide instant value to them because they will get instant access to your valuable and informative information or one of your recipes. .This is how you are starting to create relationship with them and build a rapport.Invite your readers to write back to you with any questions, that they might have. 


5. Continue to follow up with your list, share value, share blog posts, share inspiration and market your products and services.Remember to include your social media links, so people can contact you using them as well .This is also a way for them to get to know you better. 


6.Be authentic. Simply be yourself and let people know you.By doing that you will attract the right people to work with so you can create a team with like minded individuals.


7.A good way to monetize your list is to use a front-end funded proposal with a low cost entry fee. If you’re looking for a good one  here’s the one I use and recommend: (you can set up a funnel like this for yourself for $25… it’s awesome, easy, and pays commissions on the front end.  You can also create 10 hosted websites on it as well. 

 Want to start your food blog today -click here and read how you can have it up and running , starting today. 

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I love writing fresh and interesting content . Send me an email to ivelina(at)mothernaturelovesyou.com. Click the contact me button on the right hand side regarding a guest/sponsored post or simply send me a Facebook message -http://www.facebook.com/ivelinaborislavova

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