how to have more time
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How to have more time and get things done? 1000 day Challenge -Reinvent Yourself #11

Time is incredibly precious. As humans we have invented clocks, calendars and all sorts of time counting gadgets, but the bottom line is that time is an illusion. Its an agreed believe among us, that at 3 p.m we will meet at a certain place , at 6 a.m the alarm clock will go off, at 7 p.m we have to be at the airport and so to have more time

Time simply is. That’s it. Regardless we count it or not the illusion of time exists. Pay attention to the fact, taht you  can’t manage time , you can only manage what you are going to do in this space. 

Here is today’s video , where I share with you 3 simple solutions on how you can have more time .Please click on the Play button to watch it. 


So here is the deal -in order to get “more time ” you need to clear mental space in your head. This is the simple solution to having more time and getting things done. 

When it comes to clearing a mental space in your head there is also one more thing to take into consideration and that is to become very clear on your priorities.

Make a list with 3-5 most important things  for you each day.

Examples 1.Peace of mind

                 2.Feel vibrant and well

                 3.Be real 


Then make a list of 3-5 tasks, that will help you to get a desirable outcome of your actions. 

Examples 1.Drink water 

                 2.Eat what feels good 

                 3.Sleep well

                 4.Listen to your loved ones and connect with them daily 


Then you can also have another list , which can change on a regular basis based on what you want. For example at the moment I am doing a 1000 day challenge , where I have decided to take small action every day, which will improve my marketing, my blogging , my communication skills and my income, but most of all will help me grow and transform as a person. It’s day 11 today and I already feel the shift , that has been happening . 

Its amazing how making a decision creates this ripple effect of valuable events . Yesterday I was on the panel of a hangout where me and other vegan bloggers discussed different ways to build an income using internet and all the other available platforms. You can watch the recording here 


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