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Why conventional pharmaceutical drugs are dangerous by Olivia

Why conventional pharmaceutical drugs are dangerous.

Conventional medicine is now the number one cause of death, killing over 800,000 people worldwide every year as a direct result of the toxic poison “medicine” they have been prescribed by their doctors.
There have been many well documented reports and studies undertaken that highlight the risks and possible dangers of conventional medicine. Most people don’t even know what their chemical based drug contains! Despite the potential side effects of many pharmaceutical drugs they continue to be the perceived as the mainstream solution for various conditions and illnesses.
The problem with this is that most conventional medicine doesn’t actually work, if anything, it will relieve underlying symptoms, but will not fix the root cause of the problem. This is true in many categories of medicine; many drugs have been tested to find they produce no better effects than a placebo.
There are many other forms of medicine that have been used for thousands of years with great success, but have recently been deliberately suppressed or outlawed at an attempt to conceal the truth about medicine with the desperate determination to continue profiting from the current system.

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Scientific medicine has gone much too far with the chemical based drug system. It is no longer about finding the best possible treatment or cure for the patient’s illness, but about generating huge profits from the poisonous drugs they sell. These big pharma companies do not care about the individual patients or the effects that their dangerous drugs have on them. Corruption and bribery are rife in the medical industry, they will do whatever it takes to sell their products, even if it means paying off people in influential positions to tell lies and mislead people about their drugs.
Personally, I believe it’s down to the individual to do their own research and find out things for themselves. The answers are out there you just need to cut through all the lies, use a little logic and common sense as well as educate yourself on the truth about real medicine and how things aren’t what they seem to be.

Olivia’s blog is about natural appetite suppressant. Olivia is passionate about providing accurate, factual and useful information on appetite suppressants so that you  can acquire the best possible product that matches your needs, with no harmful side effects and hopefully with great results! 

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