Have you ever made a new year resolution and stuck with it?
Since it’s the 1st of January,I thought this is a very interesting subject to talk about.
New year resolutions are very popular in this first few weeks of the new year.
A lot people feel, that since the calendar has turned another year there is something new, that has to be done.In another words just because it’s not the same year any more there is this kind of almost forced “new year,new you” kind of non sense.
Here is what I think of it. You can start anything new any time you like. The best way to succeed with any new resolution, habit or anything of that kind is to make a decision that focuses on the outcome. The rest is just a wind in the right direction and an open doors to get it done.
We get a minimum of one opportunity a day to help someone, to be more present with our loved ones, to feel valued, to achieve small victories that may seem insignificant, but they make the big picture shine bright. I am not a great fan of hype,may be I used to be, I don’t know.
I know, that everything, that you want to achieve or aspire to starts with you. Starts with you making a decision. Your actions speak louder that any words and your intentions are pure fuel to get things done.
Most people think , that making a decision is hard. Yes, that is true, in my opinion too.I am also one of these people that like to analyse things.
On the other hand, do you know what is harder than making a decision? Procrastinating and watching opportunities pass by because of in decision. You are much better off taking action and learning, rather than waiting and thinking that you have to have it in a perfect order to get gong. There always going be books unread, conversations unfinished, dishes unwashed, meals uncooked and places to go to, and things to……..
There is a great saying, that I like, which states that if you can not find the answer to your question you might have to change the question. So stop worrying about the how you are going to get it done, focus on your why and keep going. keep doing, keep loving and keep creating! Take a deep breath and just be.
So when it comes to a new year resolutions the best way to go about is: Keep it simple. Add a raw salad to every meal, that you have, pay attention to your loved ones, be true to yourself, take small action towards your dreams daily.
Being present and honest with yourself is a sure way to be more productive. This will lead the way to pure results, because no matter what you are doing you will do it with gusto.
So, remember, that you have to live with your decisions. You are free to make a decision, but you are the one who has to live with the consequences.
To be successful means to be free in your terms and to be yourself in your terms. So go and create them. Step by step.Daily. Remember
Be well,be wild and enjoy the ride!
P.S I am writing a post a day for 365 days. This is day 12.