Everything is Energy

Few lines before bed

Sometimes I like to write without a topic -just little thought about my day and some ideas that I had during the day and so on. As always everybody is in bed. The house is really starting to feel like a home now as we have been cooking a lot and nearly everything is where it belongs.The main focus of the day was to get things done and possibly on time-school runs, house work, taking things out of boxes and putting them where they belong. I am finding it easier and easier to be vegan. I feel absolutely amazing and so clean. I find it hard recently to look at raw meat-it makes me feel very conscious of the fact, that it was alive at some point. I continue to explore the protein myth and will be blogging about that shortly. Recently when I read a book i can not help myself, but have a pen a notebook and write things down. This is a habit from since I was a student- it makes me remember things even better. I went to a parents evening at my boys school. When I was a student more than 10 years ago I study to be a teacher as well. What was i thinking i do not know, but there are no chances of me becoming one. There is so much you have  to do and be able to get the attention of nearly 30 boys and girls.Autumn is here for sure -it was 12 C today with a few showers. But never mind the weather.People who have nothing else to talk about talk about it. I do not know what tomorrow will bring , but i am so happy and grateful . Life is a gift.

Sending blessings and Love♥ P.S This is part 2-day 9-(after 91 days) of Word press Challenge to make a post every day. There are 105 days left of 2012.

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