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Benefits of Oxygen

At times it seems during this century, the world is on an uproar of health related issues. The chemicals found in our foods, the deforestation taking away our oxygen, the man made machines causing global warming. Which is most important? Where should the focus be?

Often times there isn’t necessarily an answer to it all. All components are essential to living healthful life and contributing to our environment.

Today I would like to share the importance of Oxygen. Yes we have all heard the middle school science of it all. How plants make oxygen and how we breathe oxygen. Without or with minimal oxygen levels, we cannot survive or live as healthfully.


benefits of oxygen

Some things that you did not know otherwise about oxygen is that it has been used for years with regards to healing research. With regards to the respiratory side, oxygen can alleviate stress, headaches, sinus infections, strengthens the heart. Oxygen in other ways speeds up the bodies recovery, relieves muscle stiffness, sharpens alertness and memory.

Being as it may, we are not breathing as well as we have the last 10 years due to the extension of air pollution surrounding our neighbourhoods. Having several issues surrounding overall health, breathing better is something to take notice of.

Lately I have been looking for local products that have oxygen in them. Other than the popular oxyclean, there are personal products such as Oxy Bump from which I found at Target. Oxy Bump is a saline spray with oxygen infused which seems handy especially if we are already congested to begin with. Learning more about their story, the owners were founders of the first oxygen bar which were popular back in the 90s. This Oxy Bump line has about 3 other products out regarding particular scenarios including; allergies, children’s cold / flu, and sore throat spray.

The commercialized Oxy Bump nasal spray may seem like they have a bit less oxygen infused than I would presume a pharmaceutical grade however it is a great start to making proactive moves towards your general health.

Any input if you’ve tried it, please comment below.

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