As I am approaching the raw food detox I thought I make list with the best detoxifying foods.I will be increasing drastically the amount of raw foods in my diet, as I wont be eating any rice, pasta , potatoes or breads.Also there won’t be any salt, sugar or olive oil at all. My body will be eliminating toxins – …
Health benefits of Raw Food Detox
One of the many reasons, that I decided to do a raw food detox is the fact , that there are some incredible health benefits of doing a raw food detox.I believe that healing starts from the inside out. I believe that you can feel better if you put good foods into your body and to confirm that I can …
Natural Treatment For Migraine Headaches
Hello my friends, from today I am starting a new category called Natural Treatments, where I will share information by some experts in this field. My first guest blogger is Matthew Armstrong , who is a Human Behavioral Specialist, Author, Health Educator Speaker, Master Coach, Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner . Matthew is trained in Korean Ki Energy acupressure and sound healing and provides …
I want to feed and care for every child on Earth
When I was a little girl I used to fall asleep dreaming that all the living animals come under my pillow and they are all safe and happy . I used to see a lot of birds in September flying away and imagined all these long and endless lines of animals coming under my pillow and being safe.They were in …

Mother nature Loves you with Avocado
I have recently rediscovered avocado. Normally I would have it in the morning in a smoothie, which recipe will give you after I share some amazing facts about this fruit. This will ensure good quality nutrients. Avocado is an amazingly healthy super food. It has a nutty flavour and a very soft texture. It originates in Mexico and South America …