Health and wellbeing programs
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How health and safety policies and procedures protect people

How health and safety policies and procedures protect people
Good work is good for you and there is evidence in this that shows good employee health and wellbeing boosts organizational health. Research indicates that the relationship between health and productivity finds healthy workers to be more productive at work than unhealthy workers. The ones who rate their work performance higher are the healthy workers and unlike the unhealthy workers they have a far fewer short term absences.
A major advantage of investing in health and wellbeing of your workers is the fact that you improve your workplace culture, improve organizational image and attract talented workers. Research shows that when employees health and wellness is managed well the percentage of engaged employees increases from 7% to 55%. In addition to this, the self-reported creativity and innovation of workers increases from 20% to 72%.
The health &Safety Work Act 1974 and the management of Health &Safety at Work Regulations require that employers protect everyone at work together with service users who are not at work and the general public as well. Employers are supposed to take positive measures and assess risks to promote health and safety at work.
The law requires workplaces to have health and safety committees, who help develop rules and procedures for health, standards and safety that are to be followed or complied with at the workplace. Every employer is supposed to take care of your health, welfare and safety while you are at work. Employers should start by conducting a risk assessment exercise so as to spot any health and safety hazards, for health treatments people can use coupons from rebates zone to get a discount. They should appoint a competent person who is trained in health and safety in larger business or companies.
Every employee has a right to live their lives free from violence or any kind of abuse. Abuse can be defined as a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by another person. Abuse depends on the environment or situation that the abuser can cause harm but not on the behavior of the victim. In most cases, abuse incidents are criminal offences and your employer should fight to eliminate this kind of behaviors in your work place.Health and wellbeing programs
The procedures should be done in writing so as to provide clarity as well as certainty at the workplace so as to demonstrate compliance. The procedure should clearly indicate the role of health and safety representatives or any other party that could be involved in the activity.
Employers and employees share responsibilities for making sure work environments are healthy and safe. Health and wellbeing programs can improve worker’s productivity and performance and reduce indirect costs from absenteeism, presenters, staff turnover, worker’s compensation, disability and early retirement.
Workplaces that are safe and healthy have a future since they are resilient in the face of change and adversity. The businesses that embrace and protect worker’s health are among the most successful businesses over time. They also contribute to prosperity and a sustainable economy that creates in new opportunities. Workers benefit from the likelihood of developing chronic diseases because the likelihood of one getting these diseases increases with the number of risk factors they have.


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