how to choose a domain name for your blog
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How to choose a domain name for your blog? #7

What is a “domain name” and how to choose one if you’ve never had one before?  how to choose a domain name for your blog

According to Oxford Dictionary a “domain name” is ” the part of a network address which identifies it as belonging to a particular domain.” In other words-is the words, that people type into the address bar of their browser when they want to visit a certain website. In today’s video i share with you 3 very simple tips on how to choose your domain name. Please press play to watch it. 

So there you have them.

1. Your domain name should be easy to spell and remember 

2. Think long term when you are choosing your domain 

3. Remember you can always change it or get another one 

There are a few ways to start blogging for free like blogger and .I recommend you to self-host and here is why 

  • Free services limit the functionality and options for your site.
  • Free services limit how much you can customize the look and feel of the site.
  • It’s more difficult to make money from a free service (it can be impossible to add eCommerce/shopping cart functionality or to run ads). 

If you need any help on choosing a domain name you can also do an extra bit or research by going to amazon top selling books, google trends and also typing the words in your new domain in the Google keyword tool. Above all listen to your intuition when you are choosing a domain. You will be the one who will promote your domain and the name has to bring a smile to your face and fill you up with excitement and inspiration. 

 I have created over 400 WordPress blogs in the last 5 years and all of them have been done on a self-hosted platform. If you have any questions on setting up your blog please get in touch and I will help you to set up your blog. 

Talk tomorrow, 


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