About two years ago I was the “poor soul” , easily feeling sorry for myself and always choosing to be the victim. I used to feel that everything is happening to me and that the only way of life was to hold grudge and suffer with it. I used to take things so personally, that I would literally won’t sleep until I think myself out of it or invent a reason to win one over with the other person. My life was a complete and utter mess and I got myself into my own drama to such extend, that I nearly lost my family. In this mad nonsense of a life, that I have created I was so self absorbed and extremely self serving.I was lost. Literally. I was living it to such extend, that I lost all my other senses. I AM NOT THAT PERSON ANY MORE. Even if the habit being her gives me some challenges I know now how to deal with them.
The reason I am not that person anymore is because I rediscovered Love. That pure flowing energy, that we all have , but sometimes we forget.One of the other reasons of this marvelous transformation is the change of lifestyle and food. Being raw/vegan/vegetarian has opened a whole new field of abundance and miracles. Everything is the same, but within me there is a flowing spring of Love and Gratitude.
The real me was reborn walking down the street 2 years ago in a very ordinary sunny day with a bright blue sky. I was pushing my youngest boy in a buggy at the time and then there was this moment of pure bliss .I remember it so clearly. It is hard to explain something that is more than words.It was very light and I felt protected and in pure bliss. There was a major shift in me and it gets better all the time.
Some people still want me to take part in their drama and the only thing I do is I send them love. Learning to observe and flow in love have changed me forever.
I wake up every morning totally in love with life. Pure Love, Abundance and Gratitude. It doesn’t hurt anymore to be who I am. I am Love. I live to love with an open heart and share the flowing abundance .
P.S This is day 19 of Word press Challenge to make a post every day. There are 220 days left of 2012.