Yesterday was upside down day as this website wasn’t working. So I overreacted and started to feel tense as I even could not log into my back office. In this state, I contacted my hosting provider and got nowhere. The operator was very slow in his response and totally blaming me. What? Blaming me did I say? As a matter of fact, I was the one who was blaming them. All that got me nowhere. I was told to send a support ticket and wait 48 hours and they are doing everything they can blah blah blah. I wasn’t happy and did choose to suffer and feel sorry for myself.
What a waste of time that was!!!
So this morning I woke up nice and early as always, did my morning cycle and absolutely loved it. Then got everybody ready for school and when I came home from the school run I thought to myself. Maybe I should contact the hosting provider again and see if there is anything that can be done. I was feeling very happy and in a state of peace. So I got to the operator and within seconds he fixed it. I hardly said anything. I am so happy and grateful. Thank you!
So the moral of the story is that life gives you, not what you want-life gives you what you are. I have heard this quote over and over again and like many things in life is easier to understand something, than to make it happen. I know it’s worth the effort to be on the positive side of things, but I also know that life exists as a perfect balance of dualities. So embrace what you are and remember that Life is a gift.
Sending blessings and love
P.S. This is a delayed post for yesterday due to technical and emotional errors 😉 This is for day 43 and yesterday there were 196 days left of 2012.