We are always connected.When you become aware of that oneness you feel a powerful belonging to a field of engagements. You are engaged with people around you with eye contacts, text messages , e-mails and so on …..When you feel the soul connection you experience pure freedom and abundant life.Your family, your friends , your colleagues and even the strangers on the road are part of your feel good factor. As soon as you make another person happy you become happy yourself. You want to create this environment of playfulness , of caring emotional engagement where you nurture each other ability to stay in a state of compassion and kindness and you are connected. That will keep you healthy for life. Hope, compassion ,trust and stability are the main components of a healthy emotional life.

The best way to empower people is to use their strengths. Let people do what they love. Always focus on their strengths , understand their values and a sense of self esteem . This is where real empowerment comes from.
We are connected and linked to each other. Life is magical. You can consciously understand and let the magic be. Relationships matter. Our souls are a part of a living organism and you can make a difference. Choose love, choose peace and compassion , choose kindness and integration. Life is not about winning or loosing, life is about being , growing and sharing.
Sending blessings and love
P.S This is day 37 of Word press Challenge to make a post every day. There are 202 days left of 2012.