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Ways to Save Money on Beauty Products

Let’s be honest ladies, beauty products can be downright expensive. We’ve made a list of 7 tips to help save you money on beauty products.

Use all of the makeup you already have

This might sound simple but the reality is that most of people don’t use all their cosmetic products, simply because they are bored with them. When you use all the beauty products and toiletries you had previously bought, you’ll be saving significant amount of cash every month, meaning future needs for the products would not be a major problem.

Consider buying low cost brands

Many people believe they can only use salon-quality beauty products at any given time. In fact, there are lots of inexpensive and quality products on the market which you can try. If you’ve been using highly expensive cosmetics and other beauty products, take a challenge and use a less expensive product and see whether the substitute is valid.

Buy larger sized products

When buying toiletries, focus on bulk purchase, or select the largest size available because it’s a way of saving money. This would enable you save some money since you are offered wholesale price unlike when buying single product at retail price.

Take advantage of free samples

When vendors are promoting their products, take advantage of those opportunities and collect the free samples they are offering. This is a good chance to try new brands, which may turn out to be more effective and less expensive.

Use Less

When it comes to some products like toothpaste, the manufacturer may mislead you by showing images of how to use the product. This is done specifically to ensure you use more toothpaste when brushing, and hence end up buying more. In fact, you can still use a small portion of what the manufacturer is recommending and your teeth will still be clean.


Always Use Coupons

Many cosmetic brands use coupons to promote their products. You can use websites such as to search for coupons on all of your favourite brands! A good habit to get into is to always look for coupons before buying anything, especially online. Most beauty products that can be found online have a coupon code which can be applied to.

Bonuses for Buying in Bulk

Take advantage of bonuses and gifts offered by cosmetic vendors when certain quantity of purchase is made. It implies that you are offered extra beauty and makeup products, meaning you’ll not need to buy them next time you do your shopping.


These are some tips that would enable you make the right decisions when buying makeup and other beauty products. Make sure you buy the products depending on your financial ability and budget.

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