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What is the HCG diet plan?

People who want to lose weight are looking for solutions every day. There are countless ways to lose weight and some of them are more strict than others. The HCG diet plan can help you lose weight in a matter of weeks once you follow it’s rules.

The bottom line is that the HCG diet plan is easy to follow because is simple and restrictive.

Here are the 5 of the most important rules to follow if you have decided to follow an HCG diet plan.

hcg diet plan

1.Drink 8 glasses of water

For the diet to work, you need to keep your body hydrated. Ensure you drink a glass of water every hour, preferably room temperature. You can include tea and coffee without milk or sugar. Eating vegetables that have a high water content like cucumbers and watermelon is another way to keep yourself hydrated.

2. Avoid cooking with oil of any kind 

It is well known that cooking oils reduce their quality. Instead include herbs and spices in your diet, especially fresh herbs-parsley, basil, oregano, coriander. They will add an incredible flavour to your meals and will provide nutrient dense minerals.

3. Make sure the diet plan suits you

Take into account your own personal dietary needs and adapt to the approved lists of fruits, vegetables and other foods. Look online for meal plans that suit you.

Here is an example of a typical day on the HCG diet plan.

Breakfast 1/2 cup raspberries, 1/2 cup blueberries,1/2 cup of plain greek yoghurt;

Morning snack 1 slices red pepper

Lunch 150g of chicken breast-steamed or grilled, no added oil.Season with a pinch of salt, black pepper and paprika.

Midday snack Orange

Dinner 100g of lean steak, grilled with no added oil. Season with a pinch of salt and black pepper. Serve with steamed broccoli and cauliflower and 20 g of BBQ sauce.

What works for some people might not work for you. Choosing the adequate meal plans might take a few days to adjust but it’s worth the effort in order to get the desired results.

4. Complete the 3 phases for best results 

The HCG diet plan consists of 3 phases. Phase 1 -when you are eating fatty carb filled food for 2 days; Phase 2- 26-43 days when you eat about 500 calories a day; Phase 3 -3 weeks of sugar and starch free diet.

Take a record of your weight regularly. A lot of people benefit from keeping a food diary, which is also practical and quite useful.

5. Enjoy your success.

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. One of the best gifts you can give yourself is a healthy body full of vitality. Sometimes to get the results you want you have to go through a difficult journey.

You will have good days, bad days and brilliant days. Stick with it and celebrate the little rewards along the way. Once you have completed it you will feel incredibly proud and happy! Well done!

 Bonus Rule: Make sure that you stop following the HCG diet plan the moment you notice any side effects or start feeling unwell.


For further information on HCG diet plan, please visit HCGdietinfo.com who kindly contributed to this article.

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