personal development myths
Authentic Transformation in 100 days,Self Love

3 “myths” about personal development -Authentic Transformation in 100 days-Video Blogging -Day 55

Hello, my beautiful friends
personal development is a journey , that every human being can take.personal development myths
There is no right or wrong way of doing it.Each journey is unique and special and once you take the first step of being your true self you become a true expression of your talents and values.

Over the years of my own continues personal growth I have come across 3 myths and this is what today’s video is about. Please press play to watch it.

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Lots of Love

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  1. Ivelina/Vegan Food Blogger says:

    DebMarshall Thank you so much, Deb.Your words touch my heart and I really appreciate your kindness and support.Thank you ! Sending love and blessing all the way to Ontario.

  2. DebMarshall says:

    I Love Your Work Ivelina. We are of like minds and you speak it so much better then I ever can. Blessed Be!!!

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