how to create content for your blog
How to create a sticky content for your blog,Start a Food Blog

3 ways to create content for your blog , that is sticky, share-able and easy to read #13

Creating fresh blog content is crucial for your blog, whether you are new to blogging or have been blogging for some to create content for your blog

I remember back in 2007 when I wrote my first blog post on my blogger blog , called Mediterranean lifestyle. A lot has changed ever since , but the pleasure of sharing information remains the same.

I love blogging simply because it a wonderful way to express myself and connect with you.

In today’s video I want to give 3 ways to create content for your blog. Please click on the play button to watch the video 

Planning your blog posts in advance is a powerful way to keep on top of creating content and managing your blog, especially if you have plenty of other things going on in your life.

I use a plug-in to organize my draft posts and its very useful when you want to scheduled posts. It is very useful for anybody who has a food blog or  as you can plan seasonal blog posts in advance.If you want to start a food blog click here and get started today. 

Click here to view and download your Editorial Calendar word-press Plug-in. 

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I love writing fresh and interesting content . Send me an email to ivelina(at) Click the contact me button on the right hand side regarding a guest/sponsored post or simply send me a Facebook message -

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