How to create a sticky content for your blog,Start a Food Blog

Is Your Website Silent -How to create video content for your website?

Using video as a way to bring more people to your blog or a website has many benefits, including the fact, that you create a unique content , simply because there is no one like you. In today’s video I talk about video and why I believe is one of the most powerful ways to bring people to your blog and connect with them . Click on the play button to watch it. 


Here is a list with a few recourses, that can help you get started with your video marketing. 

1.The first one is YouTube, which as well as video sharing is one source of the biggest search engines on the planet. I highly recommend you to use it , as the statistics say, that the average visitor watches a minimum of 5 videos per visit. YouTube also provides an editor tool. Which is free if you want to add some goodies to your video

2. The second tool I can recommend is Jing. It’s a free screen capture tool and I highly recommend you to use before you decide to buy the paid tools as it will give an idea how easy it is how fun to use it is as well. You can download here

3. The third tool I would is a tool that can help you make a professional animated video .This is a tool, that I haven’t used yet but I would like to try. There is a free version and if you are in a creative mood  you can make your first animated video to use video content for your blog

As I said in the video the most powerful  marketing tool in my blogging so far has been video and continues to bring more and more traffic even during the times when I wasn’t writing any content for my blog. About 50% of the new traffic are from YouTube and another 30% of the new traffic came from interest, which another visual and beautiful way to drive more people to your blog. I will have a blog post dedicated on interest as well as it is one of my most favorite social media sites, apart from Facebook of course. 

In the mean time if you have never ever done a video I highly recommend you to start watching some and see what type a video you would like to start with. You can subscribe to my channel on YouTube if haven’t done so by now , where you can watch some of my older videos. Here is one where I share some video blogging benefits

Lots of Love, 




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