Back in Bulgaria-where I grew up

When is time to press the reset button on Yourself?

The only sure thing in life is change. It’s constant, inevitable and irreversible.

A few days ago I turned 40. How did that happen? Day in and day out and suddenly I am 40? When I was a little girl people who are in their 40ies seemed so old to me. Now I am that person. I remember myself being my kid’s age and that makes me feel so alive. Life is a rollercoaster and an incredible adventure! 

I don’t feel old yet and I am gonna do whatever it takes to die as old as possible feeling as young as possible. Don’t have the formula for that, but this is my aim. 

In many ways, I do feel more mature and responsible but overall there is plenty of room for improvement.

This summer I spent over 6 weeks in Bulgaria! The fact that the length of the stay was unplanned made it even more enjoyable for me.  I haven’t been there for over 9 years and the whole visit had a rejuvenating effect on me. I absolutely enjoy looking at a bright blue sky daily and feeling the sun heat on my skin. I LOVED going to the beach with my family and this is the highlight of my year for sure. 

I came back here in Bangor just over a week ago. I feel lighter, stronger and refreshed. Driving throughout Europe was brilliant, regardless of the current Covid-19 psychosis. People are getting on with their lives and for the vast majority of the population, this so-called “pandemic” is just something to talk about.

While I was in Bulgaria I got to do some of my favourite things -be a beach bum, eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and spend time with my favourite people. I love being with my men and talking with them. You can not put a price on quality family time.

Time is all we have and what we do with it us up to you. As Jim Rohn said, “what happens, happens to everyone, it’s how you respond to it, that matters.”

This wonderful quote “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” by Anne Lamott has become a favourite mantra of mine.

Getting away from my life here helped me clear out some of the clutter that I have gathered in my mind and heart. I guess it was my time to press the “RESET” button and continue on with fresh and abundant energy.


I have joined my man in his 30 days Blogging Challenge and even if I haven’t been writing for over 5 years today is the first day of getting back to writing. I will include different subjects and share some of my favourite recipes, that I have developed in the last few years. I have posted the best ones on Instagram, but never took the time to write the ingredients properly.

P.S Thank you for reading this far. I am still finding my way in getting back to blogging.




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