How to create a sticky content for your blog

How to Promote Yourself?

Self promotion and strategic marketing are a vital part of your profitable online business. 

Knowing how to promote yourself on social media without being annoying is a skill worth learning. 

Apply common sense in communicating with humans-be genuine, kind and don’t expect people to be fascinated by your message or products. 

“Strike all the adjectives from your bio. If you take photos, you’re not an ‘aspiring’ photographer, you’re not an ‘amazing’ photographer either. You’re a photographer. Don’t get cute. Don’t brag. Just state the facts.”

― Austin Kleon

Above all: before you promote yourself anywhere, you want to make sure that the people you’re communicating with are actually interested in what you’ll be promoting first.

There is no magic formula. Create your own mix of value and sales offers.

Be Confident

If you don’t believe in yourself no one else will, either. 

It is important to work towards your own strengths. 

If you are an introvert you will need to work on being very comfortable with your message. 

If you are an extrovert, you might need to tone it down a bit. 

Know yourself and your message will show it.

Every time you mention something about your online business, think about how you can add value for whoever it is that you’re speaking in front of.

What can you offer them that would be a huge help?

Better yet, can it be something valuable and FREE?

Make sure your social profiles are up to date

After you have pitched your great speech and given out your virtual business cards, the next step is your new friend checking out your social media presence. 

Have all your profiles ready. Keep them realistic and have the right balance of personal and professional information on them, depending on the platform.

But present yourself in a unique and fun way. 

Writing a really good bio is one of the hardest things to accomplish. You need to spend time on this and get opinions from people who you respect. Have a friend help you out if possible. This might need updating from time to time. 

Keep it fresh, interesting and unique.

Share Freely

No, this doesn’t mean giving away all of your products and services for free because that would be BAD for business!

What it does mean is that you should be generous with your knowledge.

Be as helpful and kind to everyone as you possibly can! Answer questions, point people to free resources.

If you can share a personal story that will inspire, educate or help the people that you’re talking to, then that’s a wonderful way to connect and genuinely promote yourself. 

Thank you so much for reading this far.

This is day 7 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.

Are you on Instagram? I am @mothernaturelovesyou.

Have an amazing day!

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I love writing fresh and interesting content . Send me an email to ivelina(at) Click the contact me button on the right hand side regarding a guest/sponsored post or simply send me a Facebook message -

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1 Comment

  1. Hi my name is Jason. I believe that knowing one’s self is very important so that you would know how to project yourself to others.

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