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Blogging daily for 31 days- write a confession a day for 31 days

Ever since I started blogging, few years ago, I have always felt, that no matter what I blog about it has to be interesting, engaging and authentic. In the last almost a year I have been focused on getting lots of guests posts and have almost stopped blogging. Recently I have been waking up first thing in the morning with headlines in my head and a few lines regarding a topic I want to write about.

Very often I would drift inside Pinterest or Facebook and waste time.

One of my personal goals for 2014 it has been to be more self-expressive and more real not just in my blog but in everything I do.
In my opinion I am the typical people pleaser type of person. I would avoid any communication in the name of avoiding confrontation or any kind of discomfort.

You see my biggest fear is of not being liked or criticised, but honestly the only way to avoid any of those two is to do NOTHING.

But doing nothing seems like a real bad news to me. I want to express my wild compassion, loving kindness and every other opinion, fact and lesson I want.

So in the name of archiving my goal for 2014 to be as real as possible I am doing 31 days of confessions a day blog posts.

I got the idea from one of my favourite mama bloggers-The Veggie Mama. I love her blog and her writing style inspires me.

So in the meantime I want to thank you for being here and supporting me. I will be adding the confessions day after day and I am hoping to have a bit of a laugh as well.

Please do join me, if you like and feel free to laugh at me too.

I also want to invite you to ask me anything that you want to know about me. Leave your comments below! 

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I love writing fresh and interesting content . Send me an email to ivelina(at) Click the contact me button on the right hand side regarding a guest/sponsored post or simply send me a Facebook message -

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1 Comment

  1. simpleNewz - Mother Nature Loves You.Com | Eat Fresh-Feel Amazing! Share Food, Share Love! RSS Feed for 2014-12-06 says:

    […] Blogging daily for 31 days- write a confession a day for 31 days […]

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