Ask a Vegan

Ask a vegan -Treesa Quoia-long-time vegan, life-long animal lover, and a peace maker

Hello my friends ,

I am so happy to introduce to a long time vegan , animal lover and peace maker Treesa Quoia.I came across her amazing and valuable information as a member of one of my favourate groups on Facebook -The World Peace Diet.The information shared by Treesa and all the other members is outstanding and very informative for everyone , regardless if they are a vegan or not.ask a vegan

Treesa enthusiasm and love to all beings shined through once I read some of the blog posts in her brand new blog.

I am very grateful and delighted to share her answers with you. As a long term vegan Treesa is giving some priceless resources about food and nutrition , from which everyone can benefit.
Here are her answers.

1.How long have you been vegan for? Treesa Quoia: “Eighteen years.”
2.What made you go vegan?Treesa Quoia: ” I became a vegetarian when I was six years old. That is when I first made
the connection that what I was eating was an animal. By the time I was sixteen I was heavily involved
in animal welfare causes and activism. The more I learned the more my diet and lifestyle evolved, and
soon thereafter became a vegan.

3.Do you take any supplements? Treesa Quoia: Yes, I take Vit D (daily)   , DHA /EPA(daily)  and put on a B12 patch (weekly)

But I also eat consciously to ensure I am giving my body what it needs day in and day out (this was not always the case and it got me into trouble not because there was a problem eating a vegan diet rather there was a problem with MY diet). So now, for example, I eat fermented food daily for  probiotics and B vitamins, two Brazil nuts a day for selenium, etc…

fermented foods
Eat fermented foods.

Most people (vegan or not) overlook and or just simply don’t know what their body needs, nutritionally,
per day, for optimal health. I highly encourage everyone learn the basics. Here are a few resources I
have found helpful:
Vibrant Living w/Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo (lots of good/free content on her blog and in her newsletters)
Vegan Health
The Vegan Mastery Program (not a free resource, but good)
4.What are your favorite vegan dishes? Treesa Quoia:  Wow, that’s a hard one, the list is endless. I will say the one
thing I have to have daily, or I notice the difference, is green juice. I usually have green juice and some
variation of chia porridge (chia seeds soaked in nut milk, garnished with fresh fruit) for breakfast.

why vegan
Green power juice!

5.What is your advice to new vegans?  Treesa Quoia: Surround yourself (even if it is virtually) with kindred spirits.
There is nothing better than having other vegans to talk to and turn to.
6. What books would you recommend to new vegans? Treesa Quoia: ” The World Peace Diet
by Will Tuttle, is great. Also, The Vegan Sourcebook
by Joanne Stepaniak, is a helpful resource for new vegans.”
7.If you had a magic wand what would be the one thing, that you would change in the world? Treesa Quoia: “I would
put an end to violence (all forms). My greatest wish is for every living being to know only love, feel
only love and be surrounded by only love.

ask a vegan
Treesa outside

I trully enjoyed having Treesa sharing her tips and advice with us. If you have any questions, please add them as a coment below.

You can connect with Treesa  at:
Gentle Perspective (brand new blog)
Follow Treesa at Pinterest
You ca also friend Treesa on Facebook

Thank you so much for being here.

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