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The Best Exercises For A Snapping Hip

The Best Exercises For A Snapping Hip

The Best Exercises For A Snapping Hip


If repeated raising of your leg causes your hip to snap, this could mean that you have snapping hip syndrome. A snapping hip will not only cause problems in the present, but it can also cause serious issues in the future. Snapping hips are caused by a small muscle that originates in the pelvis and becomes a band that runs down the person’s thigh. Physiotherapy is a great way to treat this ailment and by utilizing physiotherapy, a patient can enjoy a pain free existence.

This band is known as the ITB (iliotibial band) and if the hips are moving excessively, it can become tight. When this band is too tight, it will start to snap over a person’s hips, instead of smoothly gliding over them. Those who run, dance, play football (also known as soccer) or American football are particularly susceptible to this ailment.


Fortunately, there are numerous physiotherapy exercises that can be done to alleviated snapping hip syndrome. The first and most obvious exercise is stretching the band. In order to properly stretch the band, there are three different forms of exercise that take place.

The hip first stretch courtesy of Physio Cambridge involves a standing stretch of the patient’s ITB muscles. While the patient is standing up, they are to take the leg with the band and cross it behind their other leg. From there, lean to the side, as far away from the problematic leg as possible.

The second stretch for a snapping hip requires the use of a foam roll. As you are laying on your side, roll the foam roll in the opposing direction of your hip and make your way down to the knee. However, it is important that you remain above your knee joint.

Another great stretch that will provide relief for your snapping hip is the seated figure four. Once you have sat down, take the leg that is injured and cross it over the other leg. When you lean forward, you should feel a sensation on the sides of the hip and in the back.

The hip flexor muscle should also receive stretching on a regular basis, as well as the piriformis. To properly treat the piriformis (which is a muscle that is located in the patient’s gluteal region), cross the leg that is experiencing pain over the other knee, while sitting down.

Grab a basketball or a medicine ball and place your buttock on top of it. The piriformis responds best when the patient leans at a 45 degree angle. When leaning, it is important to stop at a 45 degree angle and focus on the tender areas. Hold the position until the tender regions feel more ironed out.

To stretch the gluteus maximums, use the same technique as the piriformis stretch, but don’t cross your legs first. The abductor muscles also must be stretched when a snapping hip starts to become too painful. Abductor stretches also require the usage of a foam roll by maximum effectiveness.

Using a mat and a foam roll, first bring out the leg that is causing pain. From there, bend the other leg. Place the foam roll slightly above the knee and place your weight on it. Take a moment to stop at each of the most tender areas and hold the position until the region begins to feel better or less tender.

A snapping hip can be incredibly painful, but physiotherapy Cambridge can provide the help that you need. Physiotherapy Cambridge allows patients to take a new approach to their physical therapy and provides them with the tools needed to re-establish their strength and comfort.

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