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Easy vegan recipes-raw beetroot hummus

Hello , my beautiful friends this evening I would like to share a recipe for a raw beetroot hummus-its an amazing combination and it looks so bright on a nice summer day.

Hummus makes an ideal dip and its plain form tastes amazing with nearly everything including toast. Its healthy and delicious.

Here is what you need.

  • 1/2 pound dried chickpeas

  • 1/2 cup bean cooking liquid or water
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic



  • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

  • 1/4 teaspoon+ ground cumin

  • 1/4 cup tahini, stir it well before measuring it out!

  • 1/3 cup lemon juice (normally 1 1/2 lemons – use fresh!)

  • 1/2-1 teaspoon salt


This hummus is also excellent with different spices – chili powder, coriander, a bit of cayenne, some mint – all delicious! Try out different things to see what you like.


Also keep in mind that the tahini really adds to the texture and flavor. If you don’t like tahini or don’t have any on hand, add more olive oil and cooking liquid, and a bit more salt.

Once you have made the hummus its very simple to add beetroot to it. Simply peel one small raw beetroot season to taste and blend in the Vitamix if you have one, if not an ordinary blender will do the job. After you have done that add 50 grams of cooked chickpeas and some of the hummus , that you made. Create your preferred texture and enjoy.

Here is an idea to serve it with rye and hemp bread. Its great with green salad and a few olives.

To make an avocado and spring green version of this hummus you would need 1 ripe avocado and the juice from a few leaves of spring greens , you can also use spinach , but the darker the green the better.You can also blend the spring green leaves in the Vitamix or in an ordinary blender and then sieve the liquid for a smooth finish.

Similar to the beetroot hummus. Add the avocado , juice from a ½ lemon and and the spring green in the blender with about 100 gr of cooked chickpeas , season to taste and blend. Then add the remaining of the plain hummus . Serve and enjoy!

 Thank you very much for all your love and support,

Lots of love




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