ways to detoxify your body
Self Love,Water

Flowing With Arms wide open

Change is the only sure thing in life.People believe that the fittest survivors are the ones, that embrace change and adapt to it. One of my all time favourite quote is by Dr. Wayne Dyer-“when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” . So simple, but it took me approx. 3 years to really deeply get it and I am still learning. Every change starts from within and everything is a miracle when you have eyes and heart to “see” it.river

It is a miracle when there is so much going on and yet you are at peace. I love change. Every time I read a page of a book I change, every night I put my boy to bed I change, every time I drink my tea I change …I feel like a river, strange but true. Besides according to the Ayurveda medicine I am a water type, so it makes sense to me. A lot. Constantly flowing, nourishing, reflecting, deep , adaptable, collecting, changing and very fresh.  I am always flowing and so incredibly alive.

The song  ” With arms wide open” has a very very special place in my heart. I have changed so much since the first time I heard it. This is not the original, simply because it’s a better copy. Like me. I am a better copy than the original 😉


P.S This is day 14 of WordPress Challenge to make a post every day. There are 225 days left of 2012.

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