home is where your heart is
Connections and Love,Modern Parenting

House is made with bricks and walls, home is made with love and dreams….

ho,e is where your heart is

Home is where your heart is …..

home is where your heart is

It Raki’s birthday today so he said to me.”mummy if I go to bed means, that my birthday will be over”. So I said ” we are all here, and we love you every day exactly like it is your birthday every day .Come and sit beside me” So we sat on the sofa and fell asleep there …..And Stellios took this photo me and raki asleep

Sending blessings and Love

P.S This is day 34 of  Word press Challenge to make a post every day. There are 205 days left of 2012.

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  1. Ivelina says:

    Thank you, Oana. It was fun.xxx

  2. oana79 says:

    Awww, happy birthday,Raki! Hope you had a great day!

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