How to Make the COVID Breakdown Period Less Stressed for Your Children
Modern Parenting

How to Make the COVID Breakdown Period Less Stressed for Your Children

Description: Although COVID cases by county differ in terms of the number of people infected, the impact of the pandemic on everyone is impossible to ignore. It affects the mental health of both adults and children. In this article, you will learn how to help your kids manage their anxiety and stabilize their mental well-being.

How to Make the COVID Breakdown Period Less Stressed for Your Children

With the first case of coronavirus in the USA, the lives of Americans around the country have changed. People entered into a new war, where civilians’ weapons came in the form of protective masks, sanitizers, and plexiglass sneeze guard. As COVID USA tracker detected more and more infected cases, fear and panic spread across American society. 

The national lockdown has helped with social distancing, yet provoked anxiety and depression. However, adults aren’t the only ones who experience the negative effects of coronavirus on their mental health. 

How the Pandemic Affects Child’s Mental Health

Levels of fear and anxiety amongst citizens don’t necessarily correlate with the number of COVID cases by county. People are afraid and stressed wherever they are. For example, if we take a look at the New York coronavirus statistics, counties with the highest rates of the infected are Queens, Kings, Bronx, Nassau, and Suffolk. However, it doesn’t mean that those living in Lewis or Franklin (the percentage of cases is very small) aren’t just as afraid as the others. 

Since the infection is spreading rapidly and unpredictably, both parents and children are suffering from mental disorders. Children, in particular, tend to reflect their parents’ moods. Therefore, even if they don’t fully realize the scope of the problem, they still experience inner anxiety. 

The pandemic makes kids worried about the possible deaths of their dearest and nearest. Others are afraid of the medical treatment they may require if they get sick. Moreover, a lack of socialization and having to remain under the lockdown are major problems for the younger generation.


How a Parent Can Help

The new normal COVID world puts parents under significant pressure.  They have to earn enough in hard economic times, fight back their inner demons, take care of seniors, and help their kids overcome stress. This last duty is as important as any other. Here is how you can reduce your children’s stress levels during the pandemic:

Remember: A Parent Is an Example

Children look up to their parents. When they are younger, older members of the family become the people to admire and copy. This works in the same way when kids don’t know how to behave. Therefore, in times of crisis, you must control your behavior and stabilize your inner mood. For example, it’s vital to choose a check-out with a sneeze guard (like those from Fortuna Group) so that children will do the same.

Start with Yourself

If you want children to remain calm about the number of COVID cases by county, stop panicking yourself. This means maintaining a level of inner peace. Your younger copy can sense worried undertones even if you try to maintain an emotionless façade. 

Give the Necessary Care and Love

Social distancing and the change of routine may hit kids hard. They will get more irritated and demand more attention. Getting angry won’t help. It’s better to respond with an appropriate amount of love and care. This way, a child is likely to calm down. He/she will then realize that the parents are here to protect him/her.

Creativity Is a Savior

Staying under the lockdown can drive anyone crazy. You’ll probably have tried out all the toys and activities in your house within the first two weeks. It’s time to take a creative approach to your games and daily routine. Such a skill won’t lose its charm even after the COVID 19 reopening.

Schedule the Day

Don’t let chaos rule your life. Kids should get used to a schedule. It normalizes daily routines and contributes to overall mental stability. Plan the day normally. Early wake-up, breakfast, educational activities, lunch, some free time, etc. You can work out any extra details yourself.

Encourage Accessible Social Contacting

There are many tools for this. Messengers, video-chats, and audio-calls are good ways to maintain social connections. Children can talk to their friends and relatives. Social interactions are extremely important for mental well-being.

Talk to Your Kids

This doesn’t mean that you have to tell them all the CDC coronavirus data. Children need to understand the overall situation and the dangers it poses. This way, they won’t feel that you’re depriving them of normal things without reason. 


Children, like anyone else, need support and care during challenging times. The ultimate rule to remember is that kids copy their parents in many ways. Therefore, your kids are likely to echo your behavior.  Apart from controlling yourself, you should provide them with love and care. As much as a child needs. Keep in mind: hard times help to establish robust bonds.

Please share in the comments how your children have reacted to the pandemic and how you help them to tackle stress.

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