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How to Stay Motivated While Losing Weight

                                                                                                                                                      Photo by PublicDomainPictures, CC0 1.0

The journey to a healthier lifestyle can be difficult. Losing extra weight takes time and a lot of dedication. So many people give up after some time because they lost their motivation. Don’t let yourself be one of those people!


In order to stick to your goals, you have to find ways to stay motivated. Whether it is having an accountability partner or weekly weigh ins, find a motivation technique (or two) that keep you going.

1.Write Down Those Goals

You can’t go blindly into this journey. A goal in mind is going to keep you focused and determined. Set a weight loss goal, total and monthly. Don’t be afraid to adjust the monthly goal because weight loss will slow over time.


More importantly, write down your goals. Writing things down make them more concrete and real. Place them somewhere you will see them every day, like on the front of the refrigerator.

2.Chart Your Progress

Weight loss and plans can suck. There is no way around that. Weigh yourself at least once a week and keep a chart of your project. Writing things down, once again, make them more real.


Your chart needs to show your progress over the entire journey. This keeps up your motivation because, on those bad weeks, you can see how far you have come. If one week you lose no weight, you can look back at the 30lbs you already have lost. Be proud of yourself!

3.Get Help

You don’t have to go into this journey alone. There are so many professionals available to help you along. Check your area for local diet centers. At these centers, you can get a personalized plan made with the help of experts. They can keep you in track with weigh-ins and setting reasonable goals. Some diet centers also send their clients weekly meals delivered to their door steps to help them stay on track!

4.Celebrate Achievements

You are working hard toward your goal. This is awesome! Like any other training, positive reinforcement for your behavior is meaningful and can encourage you to reach the next goal.


Your goals shouldn’t be things that set you back, rather the original source should be such as a baking a chocolate cake for yourself for losing 10lbs. However, if you drop a new dress size, go buy yourself a new outfit that will show off your new shape! If you are eyeballing a new pair of shoes, commit to extra exercising each day for two weeks and reward yourself.


It is so important to remember you are human. Don’t let this weight loss plan consume your entire life. If you mess up one evening with some bad choices, resolve to not let it happen again. It is ok to indulge sometimes, but not all the time. Look at your mistake and forgive yourself. Then, focus on the positive!


Stressing and discouraging yourself because of mistakes is only going to backfire. You are going to make slip ups; it is a fact of life. Learning how to keep those negative thoughts at bay is going to help you reach your next goal.

6.Accountability Partner

Do you have someone wanting to lose weight as well? Teaming up with a friend can benefit both of you. It is really hard to make lifestyle changes all by yourself. You need support from those you love.


Finding someone who is on the same track as you can help keep your willpower up. This person has to be able to call you out when you haven’t exercised in a week. They have to be able to motivate and encourage you through the harder times. Your spouse and friends should be there for you during this change.


There are plenty of ways to keep up the motivation to lose weight. Find what methods work for you and stick to them. Before you know it, your visualization will become reality.


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