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The Ultimate Good Night’s Sleep

The Ultimate Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep can make you feel amazing, but if you miss out on a good night’s sleep on a regular basis, a lack of sleep can leave you feeling tired, stressed and struggling to function properly. Sleep is essential, not just to allow the mind and body to rest, but also to recharge the batteries and regenerate certain areas of the brain. Ideally, sleep experts recommend between 6 and 8 hours sleep per night for adults. The effects of poor sleep quality can be very damaging, not just at work, but also in your social and personal lives, as you may become irritable and difficult to be around.


Here are some simple tips to achieve the ultimate good night’s sleep:

Create a peaceful haven

Many people admit that their bedrooms are untidy, disorganised and filled with gadgets and gizmos, which make noises and emit flashing lights. Your bedroom should be a comfortable, peaceful sanctuary that you automatically associate with sleep and feel comfortable in as you set foot through the door. Remove clutter, make your bed each day and try to keep technology such as radios and alarm clocks out of the room. If you do need them, try to cover the lights and put them on silent so that they don’t disturb you. Avoid garish colours in the bedroom and invest in good quality pillows and blackout blinds. You will sleep much better if the room is completely dark.

Relax before you head to bed

Many people get home from work late and this often means that they don’t have chance to unwind and relax before they go to bed. If your mind is still active when you get into bed, you may find it hard to get to sleep. It’s advisable to do something that you find relaxing and that de-stresses you before you hit the hay. This may include watching television, reading a book, having a hot drink or enjoying a bubble bath.

 Deal with snoring

Snoring is a major obstacle to a good night’s sleep, so if you live with a snorer it’s time to sort things out, following advice from a snoring disorder centre. Snoring can be associated with a number of risk factors including sleeping position, allergies, being overweight, smoking and drinking alcohol. If snoring is causing problems in your relationship, your partner could try making changes such as sleeping on their side and avoiding drinking alcohol at night, to improve the situation. If lifestyle changes don’t work, it is possible to buy appliances such as nasal strips and mandibular advancement devices to help with snoring. Nasal strips help to improve breathing through the nose while you sleep, while mandibular advancement devices move the lower jaw forward slightly to increase air flow through the mouth and throat.

Leave work at the office

Bringing work home with you is likely to contribute to stress before bed, so try to leave work at the office and shut off when you leave. Home should be a haven for you, not another workplace. Avoid checking emails late at night and plan your days to ensure that you get everything done before you leave.


Exercising is proven to improve the quality of sleep and it is a really effective stress-buster. It’s best to exercise during the day, rather than at night, as exercising boosts energy levels temporarily.


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