What do vegans eat?

Vegan gluten free pancake recipe

You will love these pancakes, because they are a sweet, fluffy and healthy version of the norm. I prefer maple syrup but you can replace it with agave syrup, stevia, date syrup or any other sweetener that you like. 

Making pancakes for breakfast is a ritual and I hope you like this recipe, too. This recipe includes rice and oat flour and you can find them both in most supermarkets.If you are not trying to avoid gluten you can replace it with wheat flour.


Here is what you need.

  • 120 grams of oat flour 
  • 150 grams of rice flour 
  • 2 ripe bananas (nicely mashed)
  • 14 grams gluten free baking powder
  • half of teaspoon of salt
  • one teaspoon of ground cinnamon 
  • 250 milliliters of almond milk( or any other plant milk that you prefer)
  • 2 tablespoons of maple syrup
  • 1-2 teaspoons of vanilla extract (optional)  


Here is how the magic happens. 

  1. Place all the wet ingredients is a bowl and mix them really well with a mixer or a wooden spoon.
  2. Place all the dry ingredients in another bowl and mix them well too.
  3. Combine dry and wet ingredients and stir them all together until you achieve a nice smooth batter.
  4. Then, fry 100 ml of the pancake batter in a greased pan for 2 minutes on each side. 
  5. Serve with maple syrup and some blueberries or strawberries on the side


This recipe is kindly inspired by Eco Vegan Blog. If you are looking for more vegan recipes and news please visit them here. 

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