How to create a sticky content for your blog

3 reasons to Publish Evergreen content on your Blog?

Are you familiar with the term “evergreen content”?

What is it anyway?

When you hear “evergreen,” what’s the first thing that springs to mind? Probably the evergreen tree, right? You can probably picture something that resembles a Christmas or Pine tree shooting high up into the sky.

One trait that evergreen trees have is that they stay the same no matter what season it is. Years pass, weather trends come and go, and though they may grow, they seem unaffected by the ebbs and flows of the world around them.

That’s where we get the idea of Evergreen Content— content that has a timeless value that doesn’t diminish over time.

Evergreen content is typically packaged into the following formats to be more appealing and focus on the value: How-to guides, Progress posts, Ultimate guides, Best Practices, Lists.

Here are 4 reasons why you should produce evergreen content on your blog. 

SEO Friendly

Evergreen content is typically long-form and in-depth content.

The primary goal of content marketing, in general, is to provide value, and evergreen content does it by being a one-stop-shop for everyone looking for the ultimate resource on a topic.

Since Google appreciates evergreen, in-depth content, it’s more likely to rank in the search. Short blog posts may or may not get good ranking

In-depth content is a full-fledged resource, and it’s appreciated by bots and humans alike.

Less Work

Think of evergreen content as a one-time investment that’s going to bring in returns for a long time.

When you produce new content all the time, you may lose time, traction and relevance.

However, if you’re updating timeless pieces that have performed well, you’re building up the momentum of a piece that’s already getting shares and backlinks because of its value.

You’re also saving a lot of time while still getting great results.

In simplest terms, by creating content with a longer shelf-life, you’re creating less work for yourself in the long run since you have placed solid foundations. 

Promote Continuously

Again, evergreen content doesn’t lose relevance. If you update it as needed, you can keep sharing it because you know that your audience will continue finding value in the piece.

You can only share fleeting pieces so many times before your audience gets tired.

With evergreen content, your readers will keep finding new value.

Since long-form content is so useful (especially when it’s evergreen), it’s naturally shareable.

P.S I love writing content, that will be read for many years to come. One of my most popular pieces of work is this article: Is there a secret to happiness?

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