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7 Ways to Make Your House Energy Efficient

We spend so much on appliances installations at our house. These are some huge investments that not only cost us while we install them but also in the long run. They consume heavy electricity power and this affects our budget too.

So, let us see the different ways we can make our house more energy efficient:

7 Ways to Make Your House Energy Efficient

1.Insulate your house properly

Proper Insulation of the house can bring substantial difference in the temperature inside and outside of the house.

If your house is properly insulated then in summers, the heat would not come inside and in winters the heat would not escape out, this means much less power consumption on cooling and heating the space respectively. If you have not done the insulation for this year, call a professional, spend a few bucks and get ready for a weather proof house.

2.Keep the filters and ducts of your equipment clean

Do you know, your air conditioner or the furnace would run much more smother if its ducts and filters are clean. These components get clogged with dust and debris which makes their functioning rougher and hence they consume more power in running.

So, free some time from your schedule to devote to this manual job also. This may not sound that important to you, but it actually makes a difference.

3.Arrange for an annual maintenance session

You need to arrange for a regular maintenance check by a technician who can act proactive and deal with any potential issue which might bother the smooth running of the air conditioner or Furnace. This is because a little prudence will save you from spending chunks on repairs, so call a professional to your home, to check all the fittings and wirings and attend to the issues if any.

This would also spare you of the trouble to spend a day in summer without ac or in winter without the furnace.

4.Make proper use of the windows and curtains

Nature is nature….so, give your house a touch of that too and try to nominate the temperature through natural ways.

In summer you can open the doors and windows during evening and give the ac a relief for some time, while in winters you can do the same in morning. In fact you can also drape the house properly so you can enjoy the simmering heat without letting the chill in.

5.It is time to go all fluorescent and replace the old incandescent bulbs and lights

This is the minimum you can do to save the energy. The ratio of you get to know is equally tempting- a CFL consumes three times less power as compared to an incandescent bulb.

So, the difference only speaks for its significance. We buy these cheap bulbs but forget the fact that the energy they are consuming is much more than their price. So, it is advisable to make a big investment at once and enjoy its returns for long.

If you see the difference in the energy consumption of both you will realize how much can you save with this little effort.

6.Replace the old equipment with new ones

The best and the most you can do are to replace your old HVAC- furnaces, heating systems or Air conditioners replaced with new. The older these system gets the more their energy consumption is, which means heavy loads on your power bills too. To avoid all that, you can go for bigger investment but save money in the long run.

7.Upgrade your desktop with a Laptop

There is some news for you….. Your desktop computer consumes 80% more electricity as compared to laptops. This you might not be aware of but since now you know of this, how important do you think is to make that change. In fact, the power consumption of desktop increase more after it has crossed 4 years of age.

Well, these are certainly some ways by the means of which we can bring down the expense on these bills and make our house more energy efficient.

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